How to Run 2 Whatsapp In 1 iPhone Without Jailbreak (With Pictures)

Run Multiple Whatsapp Accounts Without Jailbreak: 9 Steps (With Pictures)

All of us know that the jailbreak is still mandatory to run 2 whatsapp in 1 iPhone each with different number by installing a tweak that do the job for you but jailbreaking doesn’t seem the best option for some people but they are sticking with the idea of run multiple whatsapp accounts without jailbreaking the iPhone.

That’s why today I write this tutorial, just to show you how you can do it in the easy way without damaging your iPhone or installing any non trusted spy app on your iPhone.

This isn’t a trusted app by App Store but I don't have any bugs reported since I started using it for the last 2 weeks.

This how to guide will take you step by step with the simple & easy way to run multiple whatsapp accounts. It’ll take you 5 minutes to set it up then you can enjoy your second instance of whatsapp.

I tested this app for the last 2 weeks and there is no bugs out there to be reported but you should use it on your own risk. I tested it on iOS 9.0.1 & iOS 9.0.2 but it works on the latest iOS version as well, iOS 9.1 & iOS 9.2.

Before you install the second instance of whatsapp, you should trust a source untrusted by Apple. There might be security risk so you should use it on your own risks.

Step 1 : Download Whatsapp app from the App Store, Install it and activate it with a number.
Step 2 : To install the second instance of whatsapp, go to Safari then go to this address,
Step 3 : Once there, click on Whatsapp 2

Step 3 : Once there, click on Whatsapp 2

Step 4 : Click on the green button below the orange one, it’ll invoke the Whatsapp 2 download.

Step 4 : Click on the green button below the orange one, it’ll invoke the Whatsapp 2 download.

Step 5 : Now, you’ll be asked to install the app or to cancel it, tap install if you want to.

Step 5 : Now, you’ll be asked to install the app or to cancel it, tap install if you want to.

Step 6 : Wait for Whatsapp 2 to complete.

Notice: You can close the Safari browser.

Step 7 : Once the app installed, Go to Setting -> General -> Profile

Step 7 : Once the app installed, Go to Setting -> General -> Profile

Step 8 : Here, tap Trust “VNE Software and Technology S…” then hit the trust button.

Step 8 : Here, tap Trust “VNE Software and Technology S…” then hit the trust button.

Step 9 : Launch the second instance of whatsapp and activate it with a different number.

Enjoy the running of 2 whatsapp in 1 iPhone on your iPhone without jailbreak.

Don't forget to report any bugs in the comment section or to share your thoughts with the community.

Say thank you.
How to Run 2 Whatsapp In 1 iPhone Without Jailbreak (With Pictures) How to Run 2 Whatsapp In 1 iPhone Without Jailbreak (With Pictures) Reviewed by dsgqsqsgs on 4:57 PM Rating: 5